Urban Studies at the University of Basel starts from the premise that the world's most pressing urban and environmental challenges call not only for new ways of doing but for new ways of thinking. Imagining alternative futures means rethinking the present and the past. Instead of seeking to solve problems as they appear, we interrogate their historical making, their political unfolding, and the ways in which they are represented. We do so by approaching scientific expertise, intellectual constructs, and professional practices through the study of lived experience, in all its complexity and contradictions.

Inner Courtyard of Hebelstrasse 3



Fachbereich Urban Studies
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Hebelstrasse 3 (Offices)
4056 Basel

Tel: +41 61 207 58 37


Fachbereich Urban Studies
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Petersplatz 1 (letters and parcels)
4051 Basel